Green Sprangeltop
Life Cycle: Perinnial
Introduced/ Native: Native
Growth Habit: Bunch Type
Plant Height: 30-36 inches
● Widely adapted
● Good drought tolerance
● Provides good quality forage and or hay for all classes of livestock
● Provides good cover for deer and provides nesting and cover sites for game birds
● Provides good quality forage
![Placeholder Picture](./native%20grasses/green%20spragletop.jpg)
Van Horn Green Sprangletop is a short-lived native perennial bunchgrass. It can reach heights up to 2-4 feet tall under favorable soil and moisture conditions. The spreading appearance of the seed head gives this grass its common name. Van horn is adapted to most soil types. It has good drought tolerance and is adapted to most climatic conditions.
Van Horn is a very leafy, palatable, and drought-tolerant selection. It provides good grazing for all classes of livestock. It establishes quickly and easily and is best used as a nurse crop in a native blend or seed mixture. The vegetative cover offers good surface protection on land subject to erosion (especially sandy soils).
Crop USe
![Placeholder Picture](./anuual%20forages/dry%20hay%20white.png)
Dry Hay
![Placeholder Picture](./anuual%20forages/continuous%20grazing%20white.png)
Continuous Grazing
![Placeholder Picture](./anuual%20forages/rotational%20grazing%20white.png)
![Placeholder Picture](./anuual%20forages/wildlife%20icon%20white.png)